KDE Plasma 5 is a collection of packages based on top of KDE Frameworks 5 and QML. They implement the KDE Display Environment (Plasma 5).
LFS や依存パッケージが本ブックに示す最新安定バージョンでなかった場合には、BLFS 開発版においては、パッケージのビルドや処理実行が適切に行われないことがあります。
The instructions below build all of the Plasma 5 packages in one step by using a bash script.
ダウンロード (HTTP): https://download.kde.org/stable/plasma/5.27.10
ダウンロード MD5 sum: See Below
ダウンロードサイズ: 243 MB
Estimated disk space required: 1.7 GB (419 MB installed)
Estimated build time: 7.6 SBU (using parallelism=4)
GTK+-3.24.38, KDE Frameworks-5.113.0, kuserfeedback-1.3.0, libpwquality-1.4.5, libqalculate-4.9.0, libxkbcommon-1.6.0, Mesa-23.3.1 built with Wayland-1.22.0, NetworkManager-1.44.2, pipewire-1.0.0, PulseAudio-16.1, qca-2.3.7, sassc-3.6.2, taglib-1.13.1, xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4
fftw-3.3.10, gsettings-desktop-schemas-45.0, libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.3+16.04.20160218, libcanberra-0.30, libinput-1.24.0, libpcap-1.10.4, Linux-PAM-1.5.3, lm-sensors-3-6-0, oxygen-icons-5.113.0, pciutils-3.10.0
AccountsService-23.13.9, smartmontools-7.4, Xwayland-23.2.3
AppStream-1.0.1 (build with -qt=true), GLU-9.0.3, ibus-1.5.29, qtwebengine-5.15.17, Xorg Synaptics Driver-1.9.2, KDevPlatform, libgps, libhybris, libraw1394, packagekit-qt, Qalculate, Qapt, SCIM, socat (for pam_kwallet)
qtwebengine-5.15.17 is required for aura-browser. It is also optional for two other packages: libksysguard and kdeplasma-addons. If QtWebEngine is installed later, only these two packages need to be rebuilt. This allows a more complete display in the system monitor application.
The easiest way to get the KDE Plasma5 packages is to use a single wget to fetch them all at once:
wget -r -nH -nd -A '*.xz' -np $url
The options used here are:
-r recurse through child directories
-nH disable generation of host-prefixed directories
-nd do not create a hierarchy of directories
-A '*.xz' just get the *.xz files
-np don't get parent directories
The order of building files is important due to internal dependencies. Create the list of files in the proper order as follows:
cat > plasma-5.27.10.md5 << "EOF"
a1361a811dc93389d0ce771d1ff82c3a kdecoration-5.27.10.tar.xz
1f491e823bc83df650d04d5d9948da45 libkscreen-5.27.10.tar.xz
571aa0c18a14ee74f3081f96f73a7f9d libksysguard-5.27.10.tar.xz
541d1b06db3b707a7a73df1526f37b44 breeze-5.27.10.tar.xz
9acdc232ea675b761e7386837f25f420 breeze-gtk-5.27.10.tar.xz
54562594af547614648cded522c3e747 layer-shell-qt-5.27.10.tar.xz
c44cfe3ba7fb03fc30b2ae305f16ed79 kscreenlocker-5.27.10.tar.xz
171949dd2dfc3b2325c959389694860a oxygen-5.27.10.tar.xz
0ef8d9f18707712fc4bcccf59138f2c7 kinfocenter-5.27.10.tar.xz
e4e4409af71c4f5a67aa35c04f6b2bc7 kwin-5.27.10.tar.xz
5c2ff5158503e983207e700ce513e929 plasma-workspace-5.27.10.tar.xz
46001c7671f7ff2f08ca0dd9c3cdbf3f plasma-disks-5.27.10.tar.xz
820566ae6effedbdd208a78e0031bf67 bluedevil-5.27.10.tar.xz
490bd81c915f332b65631b87b6eaa49d kde-gtk-config-5.27.10.tar.xz
7cade9cfce3ef14f14f55cd7a50fd7cf khotkeys-5.27.10.tar.xz
e98c999e6ee7f9bbe775d4e512368420 kmenuedit-5.27.10.tar.xz
24bc4ed3ad5587bd05591aafd758df2c kscreen-5.27.10.tar.xz
3ab1c88cf91f0fb46ae3395d57709e12 kwallet-pam-5.27.10.tar.xz
53d59d76b3dfac5f755d607798b08f85 kwayland-integration-5.27.10.tar.xz
d7a9f2999352e91d504d52ad65336d9b kwrited-5.27.10.tar.xz
8a51e19d58acebb89a919b7377d8bc83 milou-5.27.10.tar.xz
0e11c62c2a23d161b5b8cbe6e87517bc plasma-nm-5.27.10.tar.xz
02657d8fd46384f75ffe9c504f7c97b4 plasma-pa-5.27.10.tar.xz
5c1cbd459e786deb16d5615748114bfa plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.27.10.tar.xz
17302ca60f68e13e85bc24a4ec873622 polkit-kde-agent-1-5.27.10.tar.xz
cc39dc5777614bd89ae96d38008dc7c9 powerdevil-5.27.10.tar.xz
2417bb974152d4f2274ebe3b7b524ca8 plasma-desktop-5.27.10.tar.xz
f51521902f0665349c0fa012590a1eec kgamma-5.27.10.tar.xz
e95d6813c180b078be4bf40550791e26 ksshaskpass-5.27.10.tar.xz
#8c52fad441ffe43969458ae71b6a2f26 plasma-sdk-5.27.10.tar.xz
1af573d08dd99879f27c5a2b55b02bc9 sddm-kcm-5.27.10.tar.xz
#560ac5c60112e18bb44c46eec3563d7d discover-5.27.10.tar.xz
#2cd0a4e1e3e89197e18f48d893c0f2d6 breeze-grub-5.27.10.tar.xz
#fe7bb4efec17206a9faceb9cfe35fbf5 breeze-plymouth-5.27.10.tar.xz
5bbb5c7a2985f8d7b8816a35d517d333 kactivitymanagerd-5.27.10.tar.xz
c1810c7d54842028fb5968097add5538 plasma-integration-5.27.10.tar.xz
#75bedf5da4b7497a18238011d12bec26 plymouth-kcm-5.27.10.tar.xz
440dd7cb1f43d7d86862a1165b48c4f2 xdg-desktop-portal-kde-5.27.10.tar.xz
657984f8356578253e1911c8d35041f6 drkonqi-5.27.10.tar.xz
912db896afe71a8283e36037b4bba79e plasma-vault-5.27.10.tar.xz
e03d33ca8a9905df3c2901cef5512a14 plasma-browser-integration-5.27.10.tar.xz
30797f3809675e61542518f9b15be2c3 kde-cli-tools-5.27.10.tar.xz
1319f82a4043456a4cb99cfcc2ba90fe systemsettings-5.27.10.tar.xz
2861104cf1e31393d9cd87701042d3aa plasma-thunderbolt-5.27.10.tar.xz
#79ffc86387c7024bd834b349fba9b79f plasma-nano-5.27.10.tar.xz
#802d5a3cd34f5ec3825c21905f0ed9db plasma-mobile-5.27.10.tar.xz
1f4875f2cf9c0d949961aa9ad6635e6f plasma-firewall-5.27.10.tar.xz
b6648b45d9824b565dda1f100e7d83a6 plasma-systemmonitor-5.27.10.tar.xz
8e46e5afde739a6361b1838f71eb182d qqc2-breeze-style-5.27.10.tar.xz
fd93592f9895c5c09f4c0db771c1710a ksystemstats-5.27.10.tar.xz
4f55bb4490751abb23046165d68e8ca7 oxygen-sounds-5.27.10.tar.xz
#6300c88c07debeb60760dede52a791ee aura-browser-5.27.10.tar.xz
00afc45528267a5e2ec11b47b8a7779b kdeplasma-addons-5.27.10.tar.xz
7f432fbb0d205d6e30714e731f91a459 kpipewire-5.27.10.tar.xz
5f37a2e3acf00a0616e13d86ed225d7f plank-player-5.27.10.tar.xz
f3a08cefe61643273a9e06cfd6b2746a plasma-bigscreen-5.27.10.tar.xz
a69142a27ab62c583fa5d4d4577427ff plasma-remotecontrollers-5.27.10.tar.xz
#16e67ca215d44ec59130214ca6e13e80 flatpak-kcm-5.27.10.tar.xz
#4ef3e1d988e5edfa8ee20f9373a82680 plasma-welcome-5.27.10.tar.xz
The breeze-grub, breeze-plymouth, and plymouth-kcm packages above are all for customized support of Plymouth which is designed to be run within an initial ram disk during boot (see 「initramfs について」). The plasma-sdk package is optional and used for software development. The plasma-nano package is used for embedded systems and plasma-mobile provides phone functionality for Plasma. The aura-browser package requires qtwebengine-5.15.17. The discover package requires AppStream-1.0.1 to be built with the -Dqt=true switch. The plasma-welcome package requires the external package kaccounts-integration. The flatpack-kcm package is for managing support of flatpack applications.
複数のパッケージを一つのスクリプトを使って一気にインストールする場合には、ルートユーザーとして実行することが必要となります。 その場合には、以下に示す3つの方法のいずれかを採用することになります。
Sudo-1.9.15p4 パッケージの sudo コマンドを利用する。
su -c "コマンド 引数" の形 (クォーテーションが必要) を利用する。 この場合はコマンドの実行の都度、ルートパスワードの入力が必要になります。
この状況を取り扱う一つの手法として、以下のような bash スクリプトにより適切な方法を自動的に選択する方法が考えられます。 一度コマンドをセットしておけば、再びセットする必要はありません。
as_root() { if [ $EUID = 0 ]; then $* elif [ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]; then sudo $* else su -c \\"$*\\" fi } export -f as_root
First, start a subshell that will exit on error:
bash -e
Install all of the packages by running the following commands:
while read -r line; do # Get the file name, ignoring comments and blank lines if $(echo $line | grep -E -q '^ *$|^#' ); then continue; fi file=$(echo $line | cut -d" " -f2) pkg=$(echo $file|sed 's|^.*/||') # Remove directory packagedir=$(echo $pkg|sed 's|\.tar.*||') # Package directory tar -xf $file pushd $packagedir mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$KF5_PREFIX \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -Wno-dev .. && make as_root make install popd as_root rm -rf $packagedir as_root /sbin/ldconfig done < plasma-5.27.10.md5 exit
If you did not set $KF5_PREFIX
, create symlinks to allow
display managers to find Plasma:
as_root install -dvm 755 /usr/share/xsessions && cd /usr/share/xsessions/ && [ -e plasma.desktop ] || as_root ln -sfv $KF5_PREFIX/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop && as_root install -dvm 755 /usr/share/wayland-sessions && cd /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ && [ -e plasmawayland.desktop ] || as_root ln -sfv $KF5_PREFIX/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop
If you built Plasma with the recommended Linux PAM support, create necessary
configuration files by running the following commands as the
cat > /etc/pam.d/kde << "EOF"# Begin /etc/pam.d/kde auth requisite pam_nologin.so auth required pam_env.so auth required pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 1000 quiet auth include system-auth account include system-account password include system-password session include system-session # End /etc/pam.d/kde
EOF cat > /etc/pam.d/kde-np << "EOF"# Begin /etc/pam.d/kde-np auth requisite pam_nologin.so auth required pam_env.so auth required pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 1000 quiet auth required pam_permit.so account include system-account password include system-password session include system-session # End /etc/pam.d/kde-np
EOF cat > /etc/pam.d/kscreensaver << "EOF"# Begin /etc/pam.d/kscreensaver auth include system-auth account include system-account # End /etc/pam.d/kscreensaver
You can start Plasma5 from a TTY, using xinit-1.4.2.
To start Plasma 5 using xinit-1.4.2, run the following commands:
cat > ~/.xinitrc << "EOF"
dbus-launch --exit-with-x11 $KF5_PREFIX/bin/startplasma-x11
The X session starts on the first unused virtual terminal, normally vt7. You can switch to another vtn simultaneously pressing the keys Ctrl-Alt-Fn (n=1, 2, ...). To switch back to the X session, normally started at vt7, use Ctrl-Alt-F7. The vt where the command startx was executed will display many messages, including X starting messages, applications automatically started with the session, and eventually, some warning and error messages. You may prefer to redirect those messages to a log file, which not only will keep the initial vt uncluttered, but can also be used for debugging purposes. This can be done starting X with:
startx &> ~/x-session-errors
When shutting down or rebooting, the shutdown messages appear on the vt where X was running. If you wish to see those messages, simultaneously press keys Alt-F7 (assuming that X was running on vt7).