
Introduction to CUPS Filters

The CUPS Filters package is only needed to adapt libcupsfilters-2.0.0 and libppd-2.0.0 filter functions for cups-2.x. It should not be needed for cups-3.x.



LFS や依存パッケージが本ブックに示す最新安定バージョンでなかった場合には、BLFS 開発版においては、パッケージのビルドや処理実行が適切に行われないことがあります。

Package Information

CUPS Filters Dependencies


libcupsfilters-2.0.0 and libppd-2.0.0

Installation of CUPS Filters

Install CUPS Filters by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr                   \
            --disable-static                \
            --disable-avahi                 \
            --docdir=/usr/share/doc/cups-filters-2.0.0 &&

This package does not come with a functional test suite.

Now, as the root user:

make install

Command Explanations

--disable-static: このスイッチはスタティックライブラリをインストールしないようにします。

--disable-avahi: This switch should be given even Avahi is installed. This is needed due to a flaw in the configure script of CUPS Filters, where it will bail out if Avahi is not installed. Note though that Avahi is not used by this package.


Installed Programs: driverless, driverless-fax, and foomatic-rip
Installed Libraries: None
Installed Directories: /usr/lib/cups/{backend,driver,filter}, /usr/share/doc/cups-filters-2.0.0, and /usr/share/ppd/cupsfilters

Short Descriptions


is a PPD generator utility for driverless printing


is a wrapper to driverless for FAX type devices


is a universal print filter/RIP wrapper which can be used as CUPS filter or stand-alone for spooler-less, direct printing