Screen is a terminal multiplexor that runs several separate processes, typically interactive shells, on a single physical character-based terminal. Each virtual terminal emulates a DEC VT100 plus several ANSI X3.64 and ISO 2022 functions and also provides configurable input and output translation, serial port support, configurable logging, multi-user support, and many character encodings, including UTF-8. Screen sessions can be detached and resumed later on a different terminal.
LFS や依存パッケージが本ブックに示す最新安定バージョンでなかった場合には、BLFS 開発版においては、パッケージのビルドや処理実行が適切に行われないことがあります。
ダウンロード (HTTP):
ダウンロード MD5 sum: 9a9bdc956bd93e4f0cb9e48678889e26
ダウンロードサイズ: 1020 KB
必要ディスク容量: 9.5 MB
概算ビルド時間: 0.1 SBU
以下のコマンドを実行して Screen をビルドします。
sh && ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --with-socket-dir=/run/screen \ --with-pty-group=5 \ --with-sys-screenrc=/etc/screenrc && sed -i -e "s%/usr/local/etc/screenrc%/etc/screenrc%" {etc,doc}/* && make
make install && install -m 644 etc/etcscreenrc /etc/screenrc
: This
option places the per-user sockets in a standard location.
This option places the global screenrc file in /etc
: This
option sets the gid to the value used by LFS.
sed -i -e "s%/usr/local/etc/screenrc%/etc/screenrc%" {etc,doc}/*: This command corrects the configuration and documentation files to the location that is used here for the global screenrc file.